Message from the SA Express CEO's Office

During the month of November, Government aims to educate and empower communities in South Africa in addressing the often ignored sections of our community – the abused and weary.

As a nation we kick off the 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children. The 16 Days of Activism runs from 25thNovember to 10th December and is a global initiative that aims to create awareness about child- and gender-based violence. During this period, the country comes together with a united voice imploring the end of gender-based violence.

I thank Mimi for allowing me to share her story and to say that we, at SA Express, continue to be inspired by her.

Amidst all the world’s pain and despair, one encounters jewels of strength, forgiveness and perseverance. Meet Mimi, who personifies all of these qualities. She has been with the SA Express family for over 15 years, which is a rare and commendable milestone. She is one of the “ancient” colleagues that we look up to in creating a positive office culture because they had the fortitude to believe in the humble beginnings of this company and soldiered on to make it the organisation that it is today.

13thJanuary 2006 is the day that she refers to as the beginning of her bonus life. As a wife, imagine yourself getting home and being shot three times by the man you married. Imagine lying in your own driveway fighting for your life. Imagine waking up in a hospital and being told that you are paralysed from the incident and that your husband shot himself and died in your driveway. Eight years later, where would you be?

It was on that very same day that Mimi chose to fly without wings, to smell the flowers, to laugh more, and to just live fearlessly. As her colleagues, we have seen that dynamic transformation in her and for many of us she embodies indomitable spirit and the courage within that keeps you from defeat. She says passion fuels the spirit. It’s been eight years since that fateful Friday the 13th, and Mimi is still charting the life of her dreams.

It takes immense fortitude and strength for Mimi to still be living in that fateful house and enjoying her bonus life. She says that she learned more about herself after this experience and achieved so much more than she could have imagined. She says that she did not wait for permission or the perfect opportunity to be presented for her to take charge of her life and her fate. Today, she works with organisations like the National Council for Persons with Physical Disabilities, and pushes people living with disabilities to seize the day.

When you are travelling as part of a group, Mimi is the lady that ensures that the group has a seamless travel experience. She takes care of you throughout the value chain of your customer experience, from receiving your initial request, to providing you with a quotation, to making your booking. She is the “go to” lady when it comes to making your group travel experience a memorable one. What satisfies her most about her job is when a customer says to her: “Thank you.” That’s when she knows that she has lived the SA Express value with her customers. She firmly believes that our customers are our most valued investors.

This is the calibre of woman we have at SA Express, ensuring that we fly for you. Next time you are making your group reservation, maybe you will be lucky enough to be served by this powerhouse named Miranda Lephoko.

In conclusion, please do not turn a blind eye to gender-based violence or neglect people living with disabilities. Be the change that you want to see by anchoring those who need you the most. The Ministry of Women in the Presidency and prominent organisations like People Opposing Women Abuse and Sonke Gender Justice support female empowerment, and they are only a phone call away from changing your destiny.



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